TCFD Live-In Program
Get the opportunity of a lifetime!
The Trumbull Volunteer Fire Company #1 is proud to offer a live-in program designed for college students as an option for housing during the course of their college career.
Learn More About Our Live-In Program
Selected students have the opportunity to live at our firehouse and commute to school. All amenities provided with a comfortable living atmosphere, fully functional kitchen, washer/dryer, exercise facilities, and full bathroom. This program is one of the only live-in program offered in Connecticut.
Our live-in program is overseen by a Live-In Coordinator. This Coordinator is a senior member of the department who, in addition to overseeing the program, acts as a liaison for parents, schools, our Company Board of Directors, and the operational officer staff.
While students receive an education, they will gain experience here, which will provide them with training and preparation to pursue a career after college.
Preferred candidates should currently be enrolled in a college or recently accepted to a University within an appropriate proximity to the fire house. A background in firefighting and Firefighter I certification is preferred, however not required to apply.
Currently, our live-ins program consists of five (5) students who all attend the University of New Haven, pursuing Degrees in Fire Science, Para-medicine, Public Safety, and Homeland Security.